Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I wonder where the Plame case went....

Media matters notes that the news media haven't been giving recent hints of where the Plame investigation is going much notice. Why is that?

If you think of the Plame investigation as being about the outing of a CIA agent, then it's not that big a deal. Perhaps it's rotten to out a spy, but you could disagree about that, especially if, like most journalists, you're an avowed enemy of official secrecy and consider it your job to urgently seek out exactly the kind of inside dope that Libby et al. were leaking.

But if you think about the Plame investigation as being about how the Administration distorted intelligence in order to facilitate an ill-conceived invasion, then it IS a big deal, and every dribble should echo in the media.

So clearly our news professionals don't understand what this is all about. Let's hope the prosecutors do. Then the journalists will eventually catch up.


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